LEP ‘Swing’ into action!

Last Friday saw the LEP team take to the course with a hilarious trip to ‘Swingers‘ in London!
To thank our team for their hard work, we had ourselves a wonderful day out of the office in the Big Smoke. The day started as all days should – with coffees and bacon butties on the rooftop terrace of our wonderful office in Cowcross Street. From there, we limbered up for the competition ahead by taking a walking tour into the City, led by our vary own fountain-of-knowledge Associate Sammy Bikoulis (who certainly has a career as a tour guide if he gets tired of the professional life!). We took in some architectural wonders along the way – including a fabulous venture through the Barbican and surrounding area.
Arriving at ‘Swingers’, cocktails were immediately in full ‘swing’ – with steins of frozen Ameretto Sours and Passion Fruit Daiquiris a huge hit! Divided into teams, and after a fair few drinkies, we embarked upon 9-holes of competitive fun at the venues brilliant indoor crazy-golf course. Who knew hitting a ball through a moving windmill would be so frustrating yet such good fun?!
Delicious street food offerings followed our ‘exertions’ on the course after which winners for the day were announced. Of course, some teams were more successful than other in their overall scores, despite many good-humoured accusations of cheating and ‘bending’ of the rules.
An excellent day had by all, and a great time spent with some wonderful colleagues!