Matt Hayes awarded Fellowship of the Royal Society of the Arts

We are proud to announce that Practice partner Matt Hayes has been named a Fellow of The Royal Society of the Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce (‘RSA’). Based in London and with an exceptional prestige, being founded in 1754, the RSA’s mission is to ‘enrich society through ideas and action’. Fellowships are granted to individuals that the RSA deems to have made outstanding contributions to social progress and development.
The Fellowship is a global network of 30,000 people who support the RSA’s mission. Past Fellows have included Benjamin Franklin, Karl Marx, Marie Curie, Charles Dickens and Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Stephen Hawking. Current luminaries include Dame Judie Dench and Tim Berners-Lee.
The RSA believes that all human beings have creative capacities that, when understood and supported, can be mobilised to deliver a 21st century enlightenment. They work to bring about the conditions for this change, not just amongst their diverse Fellowship, but also in institutions and communities. The RSA belief is that by sharing powerful ideas and carrying out cutting-edge research, they build networks and opportunities for people to collaborate – create fulfilling lives and a flourishing society.
“The RSA Fellowship means a great deal to me and to our team at LEP,” said Matt. “For almost five decades, we have strived to operate a business which promotes and advocates inclusion, diversity and creativity. As we approach our fiftieth birthday in 2024 we are reflecting and projecting in equal measure, and I personally appreciate the opportunity to learn from, and collaborate with, the global network of RSA Fellows. It’s an honour to be in the company of so many accomplished individuals who actively seek to create fulfilling lives and a flourishing society for all.”
Congratulations Matt!