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LEP secure planning for Kent Police properties in Pembury


LEP secure planning permission for new properties for Kent Police in Pembury.

LEP’s planning and architecture studios have teamed-up to secure planning permission for Kent Police.  Two vacant properties in Pembury, owned by the Kent Police & Crime Commissioner, will be replaced with four new dwellings, resulting in a more effective and efficient use of the site.

A tricky permission to secure – our planners faced resistance from the Local Planning Authority who voiced concerns over density and a late Tree Protection Order, but the team worked hard to make a clear case that the new units would be very much in keeping with the existing immediate context and that significant trees would be retained, successfully securing permission for the Police to redevelop the site.

We look forward to seeing the project progress on site.


If you have a site that you’re interested in building upon, or have alterations to an existing building in mind, do not hesitate to reach out!  Our planning and architecture teams can provide exceptional advice, and we have an excellent track record of securing permissions.