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Supporting Local Charity, Catching Lives

Catching Lives Awning 2021

LEP is pleased to have offered our architectural and planning services free of charge to Catching Lives, a Canterbury-based charity providing support to the homeless and vulnerably housed.  As the wetter months creep in, LEP has submitted a planning application for the erection of a modest awning to provide shelter for clients awaiting entry into the charity’s centre, located in Station Road East, Canterbury.

Catching Lives provides essential facilities to their clients year round, including a variety of support services relating to safe housing, financial advice and support, health and mental health support services, together with practical facilities such as showers, laundry, and internet access. Meals and hot drinks are also served throughout the day, thanks to a wonderful team of volunteer kitchen staff.

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 the charity has been forced to severely limit access to their centre to prevent the spread of the virus, but have thankfully been able to continue to provide hot meals and drinks to those in need via an external serving hatch.

A new retractable awning will provide much needed shelter to clients waiting for admittance to the centre or collecting food. We are hopeful that the planning authority will grant permission soon, to allow Catching Lives to continue in their exception work for the local community.


To learn more about the charity, and possible ways in which you can help, please click HERE to visit their website.