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Affordable Housing Schemes Approved in Thanet

CGI of approved affordable housing site in Margate – Former Dane Valley Arms (HMY)

Unanimous Committee Support for two new affordable housing schemes in Thanet

LEP’s Planning Team is pleased to announce that planning permission has been granted for not one, but two, 100% affordable housing schemes in Thanet with unanimous support from councillors achieved at planning committee.

Acting on behalf of Thanet District Council‘s Strategic Housing Projects Team, LEP was appointed for planning consultancy services through the feasibility, pre-application, and planning application stages of the process and steered the projects successfully to officer recommendations for approval.

Speaking on behalf of the applicant at planning committee, LEP’s Associate Planner, Reece Lemon, emphasised that high quality, 100% affordable housing design schemes achieving carbon net zero is extremely rare. In context, policy requirement for developments in the area is to provide 30% affordable housing; thus, these schemes far exceed requirements.

It was noted in both cases that the schemes represent brownfield land development. For the former Dane Valley Arms site in Margate, LEP made a compelling case for delivery balancing the loss of a former community land use with the significant benefits of the scheme.

Both schemes are located on brownfield land in Margate and Ramsgate respectively, with the projects helping to address the housing needs in both towns.  The scheme at Clements Road in Ramsgate addresses housing needs for the over 50s in the area.

High quality design and architectural inputs were provided by HMY, with supporting technical inputs from a range of consultants including David Parfitt (Landscape), Lloyd Bore (Ecology; Trees), and Stantec (Transport). The projects were managed by Pick Everard, with related QS and technical inputs.

We are proud to have supported these projects.  Working alongside Thanet District Council, our involvement will extend to two additional schemes, to be heard at planning committee in 2024.

Artists impression of approved affordable housing site in Margate – Former Dane Valley Arms (HMY)


CGI of approved affordable housing site in Margate – Clements Road (HMY)


Artists impression of affordable housing site in Margate – Clements Road (HMY)


All Images used by approval by:  HMY