EKCG Folkestone’s Ames House reveals its Beautiful Bones
Stripping back modern interventions during sympathetic refurbishment schemes often unveils the skilled artistry that went into creating our building heritage, with our renovation of Ames House at East Kent College Group’s Folkestone campus being a lovely example.
Working directly with EKCG Folkestone, contractors WW Martin, and a team of expert consultants, our LEP architectural team has been excitedly monitoring progress on site.
Ames House, built during the late 19th Century, sits within East Kent College Group’s (EKCG) Folkestone campus, and has most recently been used for as general offices and storage.
EKCG Folkestone’s vision is to create a boutique restaurant at ground floor, with office accommodation for the College’s senior management team above. A basement commercial kitchen will be fully run by the college, providing a unique opportunity for catering students to train alongside full time staff to create a fine dining experience for visitors, providing real-life work experience and opening potential employment opportunities.
Ames is a very special building, with beautiful brickwork and detailing that will be carefully restored to retain this important public facing building for the College for many years to come.
We certainly look forward to seeing the finished scheme – amazing progress so far.