Planning Secured for new Covid-ITU at William Harvey Hospital

Image courtesy of DAY Architecture Ltd
Lee Evans Partnership’s Planning Team are delighted to announce that planning permission has been successfully secured for a new Intensive Treatment Unit (ITU) at the William Harvey Hospital in Ashford for our client, 2Gether Support Solutions.
The proposals will see 24 additional ITU beds available at the hospital, to help cope with the increasing demand faced by the NHS for suitable bed spaces for Coronavirus patients.
A new part two, part three storey unit is planned adjacent to existing hospital buildings at the Willesborough site, and will provide state-of-the-art facilities, together with staff rest areas and ancillary spaces.
The scheme will complement William Harvey Hospital’s existing 24 ITU bed spaces, which – post pandemic – will be repurposed to support the hospital’s ongoing needs.
MTX Contracts and DAY Architecture have designed the new Unit to be first and foremost functional for the hospital, whilst reflecting and enhancing the surroundings.
Nathan Anthony, Planning Partner at Lee Evans Partnership, said:
“The new accommodation will provide essential extra capacity for short to medium term beds required in response to the ongoing Covid pandemic. It has been great to be part of a scheme which will help the NHS continue its incredible efforts in such challenging circumstances.”
Project Team:
Project Client – 2Gether Support Solutions
2Gether Support Solutions, provides facilities, property, procurement and professional services across the South East, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of one of the largest NHS Foundation Trusts in the UK, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust.
Project Management – Gardiner & Theobald
Employers Agent & Cost Consultant – Modus Construction Consultants
Planning Consultant – Lee Evans Partnership LLP
Contractor – MTX Contracts Ltd
Architect – DAY Architecture Ltd
Architectural Advisor – HMY
MEP & Energy Consultant – DSSR Consulting Engineers
Drainage Specialist – MTX
Arboricultural Consultant – Silva Arboriculture Ltd
Acoustic Consultant – KP Acoustics
Transport Consultant – MLM Group