RTPI President’s Visit & Kent Young Planners’ Drinks Reception

On Wednesday, LEP Planning was delighted to welcome the President of the RTPI, Lindsey Richards FRTPI to our Canterbury studio for a ‘Kent Young Planners’ drinks reception and networking evening, as part of her tour of the region.
The evening saw planners from across Kent get together to discuss the challenges in the sector, and share in the successes too.
Lindsey kindly gave a speech about her work in the RTPI and the team were inspired to hear about her BALANCE Initiative which seeks to enhance RTPI’s career outreach efforts by expanding the reach of volunteers and school ambassadors to a greater number of schools and colleges. We would love to encourage more students, from a younger age, to consider a career in Planning or within the wider built-environment sector and it was exciting to hear about the President’s efforts of making this happen.
Thanks to all that came for helping to make the evening such a success.