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Unanimous approval for another ‘exemplary’ scheme

We are very pleased to announce that another LEP scheme has been granted unanimous approval at planning committee by Ebbsfleet Development Corporation.

Described once again as ‘exemplary’, this exciting high-quality scheme pushes the boundaries for what can be achieved through the development of industrial units.

Part of the ‘Northfleet Embankment East’ Regeneration Area, including some 600 new homes plus a school and promenade gardens along the bank of the River Thames, the site is located in both a Core Strategy ‘Opportunity Area’ and an Urban Regeneration Area.

The development will foster economic growth and investment in this area, whilst allowing businesses to grow and adapt as required.

The quality of design and landscaping is far above that usually expected for industrial units, and we hope to set new standards and aspirations for placemaking potential and adaptability.

Visit the Project Page to find out more.